Recording With Panopto

Recording a Simple PowerPoint Presentation With Panopto

Here is the process for recording a simple presentation with Panopto if you have:

  • A Windows PC with Panopto installed.
  • Only one monitor or screen (no extended desktop or second display).
  • A PowerPoint presentation to record only (you are not intending to jump out of the PowerPoint presentation and use other applications like a web browser, Excel or video).

  1. Close all other programs and applications on your PC.
  2. Open PowerPoint and the presentation you want to record.
  3. Open Panopto. You may have to enter your Campus Connection user ID and password.
  4. Under "Session Settings," make these changes:
    • Change "Folder" to "My Folder."
    • Change the date and time in "Name" to a meaningful name for your recording (such as "Introduction to Panopto").
  5. Under "Primary Sources," make these changes:
    • Set "Video" as "None" (this switches the webcam off).
    • Set "Audio" as your microphone (an external microphone will typically sound better).
    • Set "Quality" as "Standard."
    • Check "Capture Computer Audio."
  6. Under *Secondary Sources," make these changes:
    • Check "Capture PowerPoint."
    • Uncheck "Capture Main Screen."
  7. In the main "PowerPoint" window, you should see a message that says "PowerPoint os open but not currently presenting." Check the box to the left of "Start presenting when recording starts."
  8. Get into character.
  9. Once ready, click on "Record."
  10. Present your material.
  11. When done, press "Escape" to exit your PowerPoint presentation.
  12. In Panopto, click on "Stop,"
  13. If happy with the presentation, click on "Done."
  14. Your recording will start to upload to the Panopto servers. After uploading, you will see some processing, and then the status for your recording should show as "Completed."
  15. You are now ready to add your recording to your D2L course.

Example Video