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Crosby, Alfred.  Epidemic and Peace, 1918.  Greenwood Press.  Westport, CT, 1976.

“Drastic Rule in Chicago.”  New York Times.  Oct. 4, 1918.  p. 24.

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Robertson, John Dill.  An Epidemic of Influenza in Chicago.  Department of Health.   Chicago, IL.  1919

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Silverstein, Alvin, Virginia, and Robert.  Common Cold and Flu.  Enslow Publishers, Inc.   Hillside, NJ, 1994

Stedman, Nancy.  The Common Cold and Influenza.  Julie Messner Inc.  New York, NY,  1986.

“Tells of Vaccine to Stop Influenza.”  New York Times.  Oct. 2, 1918.  p.10.

Utsch, Cecelia.  Personal Interview.  Oct. 30 1999.

Walters, Karen A.  “McLean County and the Influenza Epidemic of 1918- 1919.”   Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society.  1981.  pp. 130- 144.

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