CSC 225 R. JOHNSONBAUGH OFFICE: Room 461, Administration Center, 243 S. Wabash PHONE: (312) 362-8728 E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: 3:30-5:30 Mon (ADM) 5-6 Wed (OAK) TEXTS: R. Johnsonbaugh and M. Kalin, Applications Programming in ANSI C, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1996 TOPICS: Input and output, files, variables, operators, control flow, functions, program structure, storage classes, arrays, pointers, structures, introduction to data structures, UNIX, other selected topics. This is a program-intensive class. PROGRAMS will be assigned almost every week. The due date (usually two weeks later) will be given with the assignment. A late program earns at most 75% full credit. In any case, no programs will be accepted after the final exam. Unless instructed otherwise, for each programming assignment hand in the source listing, the hardcopy of the sample input, and the hardcopy of the output. Programs must be run on the DePaul UNIX system (the "hawk"). MID TERM: 5:45-7:45, Oct 21 FINAL: 5:45-7:45, Nov 25 COURSE GRADE: Programs 1/3 Mid Term 1/3 Final Exam 1/3 CSC225: C For Programmers Fall Term Overview The course introduces structured programming in ANSI standard C. There will be five longer programming assignments in addition to some shorter programming and paper-and-pencil exercises. Topics -- C in contrast to other high-level languages -- Basics of structured programming -- From C source to executable images -- Coding style and documentation -- Basic program structure in C -- Basics of input/output: stdin, stdout, disk files -- Iterative control structures: while, do while, and for -- Conditional control structures: if, if-else, switch, the conditional operator -- Data types and representation -- Bit-tweaking in C -- Functions and program modularity -- Recursion -- Run-time libraries -- Arrays, strings, and pointers -- Pointers and efficiency -- Structures, unions, enumerated types -- Basic data structures -- C and UNIX -- C and C++ Textbook Readings The text is Johnsonbaugh/Kalin, Applications Programming in ANSI C (3rd edition, Prentice Hall). Reading assignments for the ten-week course are listed below. Except for the first meeting, the material should be read at least once before class. Not all of the material in each chapter will be covered during lecture/discussion, but the material should be read in any case. Week Chapters 1 0 2 1, 2, 3 3 4 4 4,5 5 5,6 6 6 7 7,8 8 8,9 9 9, 10 10 10, 11 11 final exam Programming Assignments In addition to some short programming exercises, there will be five programming assignments taken from the Programming Exercises at the end of each chapter. These longer assignments will be discussed at length in class. Students will have at least two weeks to complete each assignment. Documentation and programming style account together for 20% of each assignment's grade. Grading Grades are computed as follows: -- Longer programming assignments: 50% -- Other homework: 20% -- Final exam: 30% Students must pass the final exam to pass the course. The best preparation for the final exam is the homework. Miscellany Instructor: Kalin Office: AC307 Hours: M-W-F, 10:00 - 11:30 and by arrangement E-mail: Phone: (312) 362-8864