CSC 225 R. JOHNSONBAUGH OFFICE: Room 461, Computer Science and Telecommunications Center PHONE: (312) 362-8728 FAX: (312) 362-6116 E-MAIL: WEB: OFFICE HOURS: 4:00-5:30 Tues and Thurs (CS&T CTR) TEXT: R. Johnsonbaugh and M. Kalin, Applications Programming in C++, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1999. TOPICS: Data types, operators, control flow, functions, arrays, object-oriented programming, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and operator overloading. This is a program-intensive class. Programs will be assigned almost every week. The due date (usually two weeks later) will be given with the assignment. A late program earns at most 80 out of 100 points. In any case, no program will be accepted two weeks past its due date. Unless instructed otherwise, for each programming assignment hand in the source code, hardcopy of the input, and hardcopy of the output. You may run your programs anywhere you like. Check my web site under CSC 225 for information on how to run programs on a PC using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x. Code and other information is also available at this site. MID TERM: 5:45-7:45, May 8 FINAL: 5:45-7:45, June 12 COURSE GRADE: Programs 1/3 Mid Term 1/3 Final Exam 1/3