Midwest Algebra and Representation Theory Conference

DePaul University, December 1-2, 2001

 Final List of Participants:

1. John Beachy Northern Illinois University beachy@math.niu.edu
2. Eric Behr Northern Illinois University behr@math.niu.edu
3. Esther Beneish Northwestern University esther@math.northwestern.edu
4. Jeffrey Bergen DePaul University jbergen@condor.depaul.edu
5. William Blair Northern Illinois University blair@math.niu.edu
6. Stefan Catoiu DePaul University scatoiu@condor.depaul.edu
7. William Chin DePaul University wchin@condor.depaul.edu
8. Barbara Cortzen DePaul University bcortzen@condor.depaul.edu
9. Steve Doty Loyola University doty@math.luc.edu
10. Kent Fuller University of Iowa kfuller@math.uiowa.edu
11. Esther Garcia Gonzalez University of Oviedo, Spain egg@pinon.ccu.uniovi.es
12. Tony Giaquinto Loyola University tonyg@math.luc.edu
13. Fred Goodman University of Iowa goodman@math.uiowa.edu
14. Darrell Haile Indiana University haile@indiana.edu
15. David Hemmer University of Georgia hemmer@math.uga.edu
16. Leonid Krop DePaul University lkrop@condor.depaul.edu
17. Rajesh Kulkarni University of Wisconsin-Madison kulkarni@math.wisc.edu
18. Martin Lorenz Temple University lorenz@math.temple.edu
19. Joseph Mayne Loyola University jhm@math.luc.edu
20. Izuru Mori Purdue University mori@math.purdue.edu
21. Julia Pevtsova Northwestern University julia@math.nwu.edu
22. Marc Renault Temple University renault@math.temple.edu
23. Jeanne Wald Michigan State University wald@math.msu.edu
24. Yi Ming Zou Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ymzou@uwm.edu