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Literacy Narrative

Ernest L., Writing Center tutor

Please keep in mind that these are only general guidelines; always defer to your professor's specifications for a given assignment. If you have any questions about the content represented here, please contact the Writing Centers so that we can address them for you.

Literacy narratives are similar to reflective essays in that they review and build upon personal experiences. Effective literacy narratives are autobiographical accounts of particular events that provide positive or negative insights on particular events that have affected your academic experience. Literacy narratives do not have to be profound expositions; however, the most successful literacy narratives are filled with rich elaborations of specific events that influenced the writer’s literacy. For example, a person who frequently uses metaphors and personification may write about how reading poetry had a major effect on their writing. The central purpose of writing a literacy narrative is to exemplify that you critically understand how certain academic and non-academic influences shaped your reading, writing, and learning experience.


A narrative is a recount or retelling of a story, experience or observation; thus, you are to tell the story of your literacy development.  The reader should understand the type of paper you are writing in your introduction; it should simply introduce the story that is being told about your literacy.  The body of the literacy narrative should explain what happened, when it happened, and why it happened. How did it make you feel and what did you learn from the experience?  Feel free to be as detailed as necessary, especially if you are trying to prove or make a point.


  • To use vivid imagery to show an understanding of what influenced your:
    • Style
    • Diction
    • Tone
    • Reading & Writing Processes

Most Literacy Narratives are written in the MLA format; however, the style required may vary according to the professor and assignment.



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