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AI Syllabus Statement

Here is the AI Syllabus Statement I am currently using in my courses. This may change, but thirds what works for me at the moment:

Work done for this course must adhere to the University Academic Integrity Policy, which you can review in the Student Handbook or by visiting Academic Integrity at DePaul University.

However, this is a course in which you are allowed to use generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) in your assignments – in some assignments I will require that you use generative AI. Please note that other courses at DePaul may not allow use of generative AI – always ask your professor in writing if you are unsure of what the academic integrity policies are for your course.

In this course we will demonstrate that generative AI will confidently fabricate information. This process is known as “AI hallucinating.” Be aware that AI-generated content may contain untruths. Large Language Models (LLMs) respond and write like humans, but importantly they do not know empirically what is false or true - just a plausible narrative written probabilistically. Crucially, a LLM may not understand the difference between an important error and an unimportant error.

Thus, I would like you to cite your use of generative AI when you submit your assignments. You can do this by creating an appendix and noting the prompts that you used with a particular LLM and the responses your received.

The process of citing generative AI is evolving. Please look at these three sources for guidance:

  1. ChatGPT Citations | Formats & Examples
  2. How do I cite generative AI in MLA style?
  3. How to cite ChatGPT

Open Syllabus Project

syllabus explorer

Steve Kelly shared information about the Open Syllabus Project and Syllabus Explorer this week. The Syllabus Explorer takes more than 1,000,000 syllabi published on university websites and then attempts to work out the most frequently-taught books. Well worth taking a look.


New Sample Syllabus Disability Statement

We have updated College of Business D2L template with the updated Syllabus Disability Statement. A copy of this can be seen below:

Students seeking disability-related accommodations are required to register with DePaul's Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) enabling you to access accommodations and support services to assist your success. There are two office locations that can provide you with enrollment information, or inquire via email at .

Loop Campus - Lewis Center #1420 - (312) 362-8002
Lincoln Park Campus - Student Center #370 - (773) 325-1677

Students are also invited to contact me privately to discuss your challenges and how I may assist in facilitating the accommodations you will use during this course. This is best done early in the term and our conversation will remain confidential.

MKT 595 Syllabus Posted

mkt595 syllabus 2012

The syllabus for the upcoming MKT 595 (Internet and Interactive Marketing) course that I teach has been posted. You can view/download it here.


MKT 595 Syllabus

MKT 595 Syllabus

I have updated the syllabus for MKT 595. The new version is 7.1. The new syllabus can be downloaded here.

Please note that syllabus is subject to change. The most recent version of the syllabus will be posted on my website and on Desire2Learn ( If you discover any errors or discrepancies in the syllabus, please e-mail me so I can make the necessary corrections.

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