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TLT: Teaching, Learning, and Technology


Earlier today I received an email asking about TLT (Teaching, Learning, and Technology - one of the university committees I participate in). In a typically lazy move I Googled for a page on the Web that I could share. Unfortunately the top result was one of my earlier blog posts about TLT (with out-of-date information).

So, to help fix things, here is updated (2014) information on TLT:

To provide a forum for faculty, academic support staff, and Academic Affairs/Information Services representatives to evaluate the current functioning of course based and research technologies as well as to recommend the adoption and funding of new or expanded technology solutions in direct support of the academic enterprise and Vision twenty18.

  • All such proposed technology policies and procedures affecting faculty and directly impacting the academic enterprise are sent by the committee to faculty council for review and approval. All other university-wide technology policies and procedure proposals are submitted by IS to the university’s policy and procedures approval process.
  • Specific recommendations for prioritization of teaching-and-learning-related technology projects are made by the committee and sent to IS/Academic Affairs or other appropriate units.
  • Specific recommendations for project funding are forwarded by the committee to Academic Affairs, IS, or other appropriate funding authorities.
  • The committee shall be informed of policy and procedures, project prioritization, and funding decisions.


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