Cover page

Excerpts from Hanging by a Twig

Reviews and comments

Ordering information

Book on audiotape

Carol Wren's home page

Jay Einhorn's home page

An invitation to therapists


Hanging by a Twig


Acknowledgments.................................................................. ix


1. Misunderstood, Misdiagnosed, Mistreated ..........................1
Introduction to the Problem

2. Hanging by a Twig.............................................................17
LD and Development of the Self

3. Naked Under the Desk......................................................43
LD and Coherence of the Self

4. The Rebel without a Clue...................................................64
LD, Adult Life, and Self-Esteem

5. The Worst Thing and the Best............................................91
LD, ADD, and Addiction

6. We Had You Tested and Nothing's Wrong......................122 
LD and the Challenge of Diagnosis

7. I've Been Seeking Information All My Whole Life............147
LD and Multidisciplinary Intervention.

8. Psychotherapy of Two Invisible Sources of Distress.........174
A Framework for Therapy

Appendix I. Possible Indicators of Learning Disabilities 
in Adults.............................................................................189

Appendix II. Modification of Therapy to Accommodate 
Adults with LD...................................................................193


